Residents are encouraged to participate in leadership projects, to engage in professional organizations, and to pursue their passions for community engagements.
Exposure to the Community Health Center offers trainees experience in this critical piece of health care access in the United States. Training at the Vista Family Health Center, as well as interacting with many other local community health centers, encourages trainees to develop special skills required to overcome the challenges of working with un- or underinsured patient populations. |
All residents get training in the chronic care model, planning care through the use of the clinic "huddle," and using a disease registry for chronic disease management. In addition, residents learn to organize and co-facilitate group medical visits. Recognizing the central role of patient self-management in chronic illness, the residency provides specific training for physicians to support patient behavior change.
Residents also meet with their respective program year class for an hour, every Thursday, for professional and personal development group time. Each group is facilitated by a psychologist experienced in group dynamics and familiar with medical socialization.